The Original Trailer Park Lounge, NYC - "The last time I travelled to teach hair cutting was in 2019 to Norfolk, VA with the guys from Davines. On the way home I stopped in New York for a couple of days and the kind people from Davines took me hand dryer hunting. This bar was the first one we went to and it was heaving. I ran in, took the photo and we went on our way. I wasn't expecting to be exhibiting images at that point so when the chance did arrive to have a physical show I decided that I wasn't happy with what I'd captured. So a year later, with the cheapest flight I've ever seen to New York, in early 2020 I went back. There were a few places on my list but this was the one that I had down as a priority. By now though my book had been released so I could show people in a more concrete way what I was up to. The barman loved it and gave me his blessing to go fill my boots with as many pictures as I like. This has been my best-selling image from day one. It's the first picture in my book and it's the one that captures people the second they see it. I love everything about it, the hand-painted dryer and the googly eyes on one of the parrots it took me over a year to notice. The boy's bathroom wasn't half as exciting, which is something I've come to expect."