Robot Coupe Blixer 10 VV Blender Mixer
Combine the features of a blender and mixer in your kitchen.
Quick and efficient, simple to use and with a heavy duty motor to match the most demanding job.
For maximum control the motor can spin at variable speeds from 300 to 3000 RPM.
Simplified preparing of mixed or semi liquid meals & is ideal for preparing dry & wet foods for tube feeding. Also suitable for sauces, mousses, butter mixtures, grinding, food test and pharma/chemical labs.
A stainless steel motor shaft for longevity and an 10 Litre stainless steel bowl that uses tight sealing poly-carbonate lid with scraper. There is also a magnetic safety system and motor brake.
Since 1991, Robot-Coupe has worked in close partnership with healthcare and catering specialists in improving the Blixer concept for patients who suffer dysphagia or problems with mastication and swallowing. With a Blixer, preparing healthy, well-balanced and tasty food is simplicity itself, due to its ability to blend raw ingredients.